Travel Fellowships

We are pleased to inform you that we are offering travel fellowships to help students to attend to RSG Germany Student Symposium 2019 – Building Bridges. These travel fellowships are possible due to the kind support of our sponsors.
All participants who have already submitted an abstract to the RSG Germany Student Symposium 2019 – Building Bridges are elegible to apply to our travel fellowships. The deadline for submitting the travel fellowship application is on 13th SEPTEMBER at 11.59 pm (MESZ). Recipients of a RSG Germany Student Symposium 2019 – Building Bridges travel fellowship will be notified as soon as possible.

Apply here for the travel fellowship.



  • Travel fellowship funding may only cover part of your expenses for the RSG Germany Student Symposium 2019 – Building Bridges. In that case, your remaining expenses may need to be funded by other sources.
  • Applying for a travel fellowship does not guarantee that you will receive the funding. All applications will be peer-reviewed.
  • If you require a travel fellowship to attend the symposium, please do not register before you have been notified that your application has been approved.
  • The travel fellowship will be a fix amount of money and the reimbursement will be done in the days after of the event.
  • To ensure correct processing of the award and receive the money, travel fellowship recipients are required to provide organizers copies of relevant receipts (such as conference registration, travel expenses, accommodation, etc) during or shortly after the symposium.


These are the requirements to be eligible for a RSG Germany Student Symposium 2019 – Building Bridges travel fellowship:

  1. You have already sent an abstract to the RSG Germany Student Symposium 2019 – Building Bridges
  2. Only the presenting author (poster/talk) will be eligible to receive a fellowship
  3. You are associated with a university or a research institute as student, PhD student or Post-doctoral researcher
  4. If you are awarded a travel fellowship, but you don’t come to the RSG Germany Student Symposium 2019 – Building Bridges your application for Student Symposium Travel Fellowship will be automatically withdrawn